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  • Writer's pictureWilliam Young

Dreams in the face of death

I have been diagnosed with pneumonia now and it has really changed my perspective on life. I mean people have died from having this…I honestly don’t believe I am anywhere near dying from it. I just don’t see it happening, but it still made me think. I am not ready to die. I don’t fear death, but there is too much I haven’t done. I have to live out my dreams and at this point I do not feel like I have accomplished all that I want to accomplish. I realize I push myself the hardest at my worst moments, because they help me to realize how strong I truly am. I decided to put my fears to the side and fight to accomplish my dreams as soon as possible. I am tired of being afraid to share my heart with people, because my music is constantly rejected so much(mainly by people who won’t even give me the chance to listen to it even once). I just have to keep pushing regardless of what happens & how many people say no. I won’t lie; it really does hurt so much to put all my being in to something and people are unwilling to even give it a chance. It really destroys me inside with every no, but there will be people out there who will listen & even if they don’t like it I would feel so much better if they just listened. Yea it sucks when people don’t like it, but not as much as not having the chance.

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