I finally understand the whole “ignorance is bliss” thing. This world is ruled by the majority. Basically whatever the majority believes is held as the ultimate truth. We hold the ultimate power through numbers. The people are kept ignorant to the truth, because it makes them easier to influence. If you present people with the truth they will try to twist reality in all ways possible to prove that what they say is the truth. So many people will agree with them & it will drive those who can see the truth crazy(literally). This is the only reason the elite groups are able to rise. They don’t have any special power. They just know how to manipulate the masses. Through their ignorance the masses do what these “elites” say and hold it as truth. At the end of the day if every single one of us decided lets not follow a law they gov’t couldn’t do crap about it. The problem is that only a handful would do it, even more would cower & the majority would treat the gov’t like God & enforce that law. So the people still have the power it just is the dumbasses enforcing the power of manipulators that are the problem. unfortunately the majority enforce the elites rules out of ignorance. So lets stop talking about illuminati, new world order & all that to call them by their real name….manipulators. They take advantage of the ignorance of the people and encourage ignorance in order to maintain control.