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  • Writer's pictureWilliam Young

Somebody has it worse

I hate the saying "Somebody has it worse than you." Because in order for that to make you feel better you have to not only be selfish, but you have to find happiness in the suffering of another being. Personally that makes me feel worse, because I don't want other people to suffer and you are comparing my situation to theirs. Due to the fact that every being has different personalities it is impossible to compare situations(nor do I understand the desire to compete over whose life is worse. Seems like a stupid mentality to have). One situation could be the most horrible thing to one person, but not faze the next. So you are subconsciously building the mentality in their mind that if you are suffering then to find happiness you make someone suffer more than you. It would be a lot better to concentrate the conversation on what is going right in their life and what they are good at than to compare based on destructive thoughts.

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