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  • Writer's pictureWilliam Young

I decided to keep my bio as it is

Thank you to everyone for your input. I decided to keep my bio the way it is. The reason being that the people who wanted me to keep it the same found it inspirational. The people who thought I should change it mentioned reasons, such as brand, people being in my business and people not taking me seriously. Ultimately as an artist I represent and speak to the people who have been bullied or are outcasts in this world. I feel like it is my duty as an artist to stand up for what we are against a world that judges us and puts us down. How can I do that if my decisions are made based on fear of how people may feel about me. I am the type of man that cares deeply for a woman that I am with. I know I am not perfect, I have my attitudes and things that another may not like in a relationship, but I do my best to be the best man I can be to any woman that I am with. If you see me as weak, hate me or look down upon me because of that, then that is your choice to do so. I can only be me and I feel like that part of my bio played a significant role in me as an artist and a person. It also is a major part of me being the caring person that I am. I can't abandon that for the judgment of others.

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