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  • Writer's pictureWilliam Young

I was thinking about what triggers my depression

I was thinking about what triggers my depression. It is like have domesticated and wild. You can keep cats & dogs in the house and spoil them, but when you put a wild animal in a cage, they become depressed. It doesn't matter how much you spoil and do for them, they just get worse. It's because they are meant to be free. Ultimately it doesn't matter what kind of situation I am in; If I am not free then it will make me depressed and drain me. It isn't a matter of a good or bad situation, but rather if it allows me the level of freedom I need. Considering I am an artist, that level is many times higher than the average person. Then add on the factor of how passionate I am and that is a lot for me to hold in just to live in a domesticated world.

The other reason is wanting to fall in love and have a family, but that can be suppressed.

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