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  • Writer's pictureWilliam Young

I am not a NIGGA!


People get so caught up in the word nigga/nigger being racist & being used casually by black people. If you look into where the word came from it is actually not a racist word even though it was used in a racist manner.

When Africans caught prisoners of war & made them into slaves they were called niggers as a disrespectful term that basically meant you are the lowest form of shit in existence. During the American slavery period all black people were called ...niggers...why? Cause black people were the lowest form of shit to the slave masters not because it was a term of reference to black people.

Over time black people began to feel inferior & like they had no worth so they began to believe "we are niggers." On a subconscious level we hold some of the memories of those we were born from. The reason black people today accept the word nigga is because we see ourselves as inferior beings on a subconscious level. Look at how we treat, view, trust, take from, etc. each other. The actions of black people speak louder than words.

The only time black people unite is during the moments we realize our entire race is in danger & we unite temporarily as a method of survival. Soon as the emotions die down the majority of black people will go back to looking at each other with hatred & destroying each other's lives(regardless of whether through physically attacking each other or not. Refusing to help each other, making fun of each other, etc. is still methods of destroying one another).

ijs i'm not a nigga. If you want to be a nigga idgaf that is your life. You can be inferior & less than shit, but I know my worth & I won't be on the same level as anything considered below anyone. So say i'm not humble or w/e but i'm not less than shit. BTW if you listen to how I use the word nigga. Notice you never hear me say it & at the same time say good things

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